Tuesday, March 9, 2021

What's new for Trinity of the Broken

 When I decided to turn my collection of short stories into a novel, I never believed it would take me down the path I have been traveling. I am currently in the middle of the editing process. A process that I knew would be tedious, but necessary. Having now started my sixth complete read through of the novel, I am beginning to understand the old saying that, "Editing is the process of reviewing ones own work until they hate it." 

I have not reached a point of hate, but I understand the frustration of rereading the same material over and over again. That being said, we are on track and Trinity should be released on time July 31st. Once I meet with the cover designer and settle on a final design I will begin the process of marketing the book, so brace yourselves for a barrage of updates in the near future.