Hello everyone. I hope you are doing well. Things have been as busy as ever for me, but I have been able to get in a little me time. If you live a busy lifestyle, you understand how important that can be, both physically and mentally. As I have mentioned before, I work two full time jobs, one as a teacher and the other working with mentally and physically disabled adults. Outside of that, I am a father of four and keep a very busy household. Despite my never ending schedule, I try to put a little time aside to do nothing of consequence. That may be playing a video game, (I am an avid Destiny 2 player), watching some tv, or just going to the beach and taking a walk.
As of late, my “reading” has been through audiobook, one of the best media to go mainstream. I have a membership to Audible and it has allowed me to be a much more active reader than I would be if I had to physically read. Audiobooks and podcasts fill in the gaps while I am working, as such, I have been processing a steady amount of media. My most recent audiobook was the Essencers of Aelathia trilogy by Joshua Smith. EoA is a modern blending of world mythology, which explains that all of the worlds mythological creatures, people, and gods were actually a group of individuals that are all children of, or descendants of Peter, the Patar of the Firstborn, and spark for all life on the planet. I plan on giving a full review on my GoodReads page, but I do want to say a few things about the story here.
Overall, I enjoyed this story. It was well written and I loved the world building Smith does to pull his story together. Essencers of Aelathia was released as a trilogy, but really it was one story in three parts. Being able to go through all three at once alleviate the potential issue of an odd story break. The first book, Immortals, is an introduction to the main characters and the reveal that the world is actually filled with monsters and immortals, most hiding in plain sight. There is a lot going on in the story, but little to no answers being provided. It is not until the very end of Immortals that things begin to come together, and then boom, it's over. Smith makes up for this in book 2 Coalition. This was where I became invested in the story, and the brilliance of Smith’s world building comes into play. I enjoyed the characters and the way each immortal was tied to multiple mythologies around the world. I did feel that, for a story that attempted to explain away mythology, Smith did put a little too much effort into affirming Judeo/Christian beliefs as matter of fact history. Not to the point that I thought it should have been cut out, or that it took away from the story, just in the sense that if all of the world's religions and major events can be attributed to Peter and his descendants, it felt out of place to acknowledge biblical details as facts. Outside of that, I really enjoyed the series. I highly recommend picking it up, particularly if you are a fan of mythology.
In the world of podcasts, I want to take a moment to bring up Old Gods of Appalachia. This show is just amazing. I can not talk highly enough about every aspect of this production. The writing is excellent, the world building goes above and beyond, and then it is tied together with an amazing cast and music that feels like it is going to drag you into the shadows of Appalachia. The show is a horror anthology series of the highest caliber. The story itself is non-linear, but it covers a series of events, taken from multiple perspectives, between the years 1756 to 1935. (1992 if you are a patron and get the extra stories) Not only do the creators, Steve Shell and Cam Collins, manage to bring the listener into what it would be like to live in the Appalachian region, interact with its people, and get a sense of what community means to those people. Then they mix in the elements of eldritch horror that speaks to me on a level I did not know was being ignored. My only complaint about the show is that there is not more. Season two recently wrapped up, and I am anxiously awaiting season three. You can find them on several different services, so pick your favorite and check them out. You will not be disappointed.
I want to thank you for giving me your time, it is invaluable and I am honored that you have shared it with me. I hope your days are fulfilling and your path is clear of trouble. All the best, and speak to you soon.